For a better health and not compromising too much on taste; I would strongly recommend replacing all the white things in your kitchen with the browns.
a) Brown rice in place of White rice
b) Brown sugar in place of White sugar
c) Mix grain flour in place of White flour
d) Maida with Wheat flour
e) Masala Maggi with Atta Maggi
f) Maida Noodles with Wheat Noodles
g) Maida Pizza with Wheat Pizza
h) Maida Buns with Wheat Buns
i) Full cream milk with Soya milk
Basically, white is not right pick whatever looks brown as it has more fibre. White sugar means refined sugar, Maida means more processed flour. The more the food is processed the worse it is for your health.
Only white thing to love is skimmed milk or curd made by skimmed milk. Say Salaam Namaste to the rest of the stuff.