Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has become popular as a “fat-burner” and as a natural appetite suppressant. In fact, there’s even an ACV diet, which involves taking one to three teaspoons of ACV or ACV pills before each meal.
Some doctors believes that it is a great immunity enhancer. If you take ACV and honey with warm water every day; your immunity increases exponentially. It also helps to lower glucose levels so it is a very good medicine for diabetic people.
General prescription is to have a glass of warm water with a spoon of ACV morning and evening helps you to remain fit. There are many brands available in the market. I am using Heinz and I dont like it with warm water. I take ACV in my soup every evening. Thats my way of having it; not prescribed by any doctor.
So, if you can drink it with warm water, nothing like it, just go for it!!
Live healthy and happy!! :)
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