Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Fast and Healthy Snacks
Heat oil and put some mustard seeds, curry leaves then saute Chopped onions, tomatoes, capsicum (any veggie of your choice). Add 1 and half glass of water. When it starts boiling put suji/rawa and stir it continously until the rawa soaks all the water. To add more taste sprinkle garam masala and amchoor powder. Its a tasty and wholesome meal.
b) Murmura Snack
Soak the murmura (puffed rice)and immediately take out. Rinse all the water. Heat oil and put some mustard seeds, curry leaves then saute Chopped onions, tomatoes, capsicum (any veggie of your choice). When the veggies are cooked add the soaked murmura and have this as snack or as a great lunch. It fills you without adding many calories to you.
c) Rava Uttapa
Mix Rawa and dahi and put it aside for 20 minutes. Add chopped onions, tomatoes, capsicum, chillies and ginger. Make normal uttapas. Its fast and rocking
d) Sprouts soup
Add 2 spoon gram flour to 1 and a half glass of buttermilk (take care of lumps). Heat little oil and put mustard oil and curry leaves. Add the mixture and when its start boiling add sprouts and cook it for your desired consistency. Add salt and chat masala and enjoy the hot soup.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sirf Paani bujhaye Pyaas; Baaki Sab Bakwaas

Drinking water can raise the speed of metabolism, especially a cold water, and curbing your appetite. You'll also notice less bloating once your body realizes it doesn't have to retain water, once you start drinking enough. You should try 6-8 glasses a day.
The Health Benefits of Water
* There is no Calories in Water
* Can curb your appetite
* Kind to teeth
* Keeps your skin hydrated and looking younger, fresh and more vibrant.
* Can alleviate constipation
* A simple and effective treatment for heartburn.
* Can reduce the risk of kidney stones
* Promotes a general feeling of wellbeing
* Drinking cold water - Your body can burn a few calories to heat the water up to body temperature
How much water should I drink?
The aim is to drink 2 liters of water a day it’s about 6-8 glasses (@200mL).
Keep a record of your daily water intake in your food diary. Seeing the tally should motivate you to ensure you are meeting the required daily intake. 1 Glass/200ml
* Water = 0 kcals
* Cola = 82 kcals
* Pure Orange Juice = 87 kcals
How about if I’m not drinking enough water?
* Dry and itchy skin
* Constipation
* Dry coughs and sneezing
* Headaches
* Urinary tract infections.
So for your own good health, please drink loads and loads of water.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sitting for too long is not for you my friend

You might want to stand up while you read this, especially when you find out what some scientists have discovered about sitting.
We all know that sitting can contribute to weight problems and common sense tells us that's because sitting doesn't burn as many calories as, say, standing or walking. But, that isn't the only issue with sitting.
In a study published in Diabetes, scientists found that when we sit for long periods of time, the enzymes responsible for burning fat actually shut down. Not only that, but sitting too much can also lower HDL ('good' cholesterol) and lead to a slower metabolism. Even if you exercise later in the day, that won't necessarily undo the damage done by sitting.
The question these scientists are asking, and maybe the question some of us are wondering is: "Can the average adult who already does not follow the public health policy prescribing regular moderate-vigorous exercise become even more unhealthy in the coming years if they sit too much and do not maintain sufficient daily nonexercise physical activity?"
The answer to that is probably a yes, unless we do something about it. The good news is that just standing up can kick your fat-burning enzymes into gear.Take a walk for 5 minutes after every hour in your workplace. Fall in love with the stairs in your building. Walk up to the colleague instead of calling/messaging. Pursue your favorite sport. Go dancing; do anything but sitting all day long.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Make Cinnamon your friend
You can put it in your tea, your tea will not only taste great but it will also smell great.
Try having cinnamon and honey drink as your first and last drink of the day and see how fresh you feel throughout the day. Just add hot water to a tablespoon of cinnamon powder and add a tablespoon of honey to it. It tastes ok but is very good for your health.
Wishing you a great health!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
White is not Right

a) Brown rice in place of White rice
b) Brown sugar in place of White sugar
c) Mix grain flour in place of White flour
d) Maida with Wheat flour
e) Masala Maggi with Atta Maggi
f) Maida Noodles with Wheat Noodles
g) Maida Pizza with Wheat Pizza
h) Maida Buns with Wheat Buns
i) Full cream milk with Soya milk
Basically, white is not right pick whatever looks brown as it has more fibre. White sugar means refined sugar, Maida means more processed flour. The more the food is processed the worse it is for your health.
Only white thing to love is skimmed milk or curd made by skimmed milk. Say Salaam Namaste to the rest of the stuff.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
First thing is first; skipping breakfast is the worst

As they rightly say, eat your breakfast like a king, lunch like a common man and dinner like a beggar - breakfast is the most important meal of your day. After all you are getting a chance to eat like a king only once a day. Even if it means waking up a little early, DO NOT, leave your house without eating your breakfast. If you take your breakfast in the office, have a glass of skimmed milk at home and then go to office.
Food should be distributed as:
(breakfast + snack) = 40%
(lunch + snack) = 40%
(dinner) = 20%
Amongst plenty of healthy options, I am writing a few of them here:
a) 1 glass of skimmed milk + 1 bowl of museli/ cornflakes/wheat flakes + 1 apple
b) 1 glass of skimmed milk + bread jam + 1 apple
c) 1-2 egg whites daily in sandwich, or in boiled form is very healthy for breakfast
d) 1 glass of skimmed milk + sprouts salad + 1 toast
e) 1 glass of skimmed milk + veg upma
f) 1 glass of apple shake + veg sandwich
g) Fruit bowl + Green Tea
- For taste and extra nutrition, you can throw some raisins and nuts in your cereals / shakes
- Have all the hight calorie snack like chips, pastries, cakes in your 10:00 am meal if you want to eat them. Avoid eating them by all means after sun set.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Introduction Message
I have been trying very hard to get that perfect health for so many years. I have lost my parents years back due to their ill health caused due to wrong lifestyle and eating habits. I know how much good health is important not only for you but for your loved ones also. If you are healthy, you will not only be there for your loved ones for longer time but you will also be able to enjoy that time to the fullest.
There is saying in Hindi, "Pehla Sukh Nirogi Kaya" - healthy body is the most important thing in your life and it is so true. Only if you are healthy, you will be able to enjoy your career, your status, your family life, your love life etc
I have created this blog to talk about health, fitness, weight loss and low calorie recipes. I am going to write here whatever I have learned from my mistakes or mistakes committed by people around me; whatever I have learned from the loads and loads of stuff that I have read.
And yes, besides fitness mantras and quick recipes we will also talk about positive attitude which is very very important for a perfect health.
So - Stay Tuned!